How dangerous is a Doberman?
Perhaps everyone has heard more than once about a stately dog, which has a menacing look and a rather frightening appearance - a Doberman. But not everyone knows some interesting facts about them, the history of breeding the breed, and what danger and difficulties they can still bring into the life of a person who has expressed a desire to have such a breed.

This breed was bred in Germany, at the end of the 19th century, for protection purposes. She guarded farms, people's property, and later worked as assistants in the police and in the army, and therefore, in the 20th century, officially received the status of a police breed.

The appearance and characteristics of the dog.

The Doberman is very strong, of impressive size, has many muscles that can be seen under the short shiny coat. The color of the dog is most often black or brown, with bright rusty markings, it is extremely rare to see a completely white Doberman. Ears, as a rule, should stand, that is, be cropped, as well as the tail. If you do not stop the tail and ears at the time, then the Doberman loses some of his natural skills: hearing becomes worse, as well as vigilance. Initially, they began to stop these parts of the Doberman's body so that the tail would not break in a fight and the ears would not be torn. And as a result, these machinations have become an integral part of the Doberman, which gives a statuesque grace to his figure with long legs.

The nature and possible difficulties.

There are legends about the evil nature of the Doberman, supported by films using Dobermans as weapons to protect people in the police and in war. This leads to a certain fear and fear of having a Doberman in families, especially where there are children. But this is all myth and legend. The psyche and aggression of the Doberman are balanced, unlike the psyche of fighting dogs. With proper dog education and almost grueling training, the Doberman will serve as the owner's best friend and companion. As for the Doberman's relationship to children: a dog of this breed will never knock down a baby in a fit of playful mood, will not snatch any tidbit from his hands and will not offend. The dog is especially friendly and affectionate towards children.

The Doberman is very respectful to all members of his master's family, including other animals. The dog has a firm and strong character, which manifests itself in the difficulties of his upbringing. A pet has very high needs, especially in physical activity. We need regular training and walking the dog for three hours every day. An untrained Doberman is a very dangerous weapon that can shoot in the most unpleasant way. A dog handler will be required to train a Doberman, or there is an option for special schools. Since if the dog is raised only by a dog handler, then it will fulfill requests only on his behalf, and not on the commands of the owner himself. Keeping a pet in the form of a Doberman will be expensive:

• overexposure if you plan to go on vacation (about a thousand rubles per day);
• a dog handler or training in a special school;
• collars, muzzle;
• veterinary clinics;
• Doberman eats a lot of meat (except pork), and also prefers dairy products.

Thus, if there is a question of whether to get a Doberman or not, then it is worth weighing all your financial and physical capabilities and the time that you plan to devote to training. The Doberman also prefers a spacious place so that he has somewhere to accelerate in games, so a small apartment will be very uncomfortable. It is preferable to get a dog while living in a private house. 1xBet bookmaker offers a bonus to all new users. To receive the bonus, you need to use the 1xBet promo code during registration. Enjoy a generous bonus offer at 1xBet bookmaker, where you can receive a 100% bonus up to $100, along with an additional $1950 and 150 free spins at 1xBet casino. The sports welcome bonus is determined by the initial deposit made by customers upon creating their account. By using the provided promo code during registration, new users can receive a bonus of up to 130% after fulfilling all the necessary conditions.

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